Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Warranty Guide
When you buy a new Panasonic TOUGHBOOK laptop, tablet, or handheld, it is essential to assess your warranty together with the extended and enhanced options you can add to it. While Panasonic’s standard three-year warranty will automatically cover your TOUGHBOOK from manufacturer’s defects, will it be enough? And what happens after the initial three-year period?
Ultimately, it makes sense to minimize potential downtime in any way you can. The best way is to ensure that, if you do have problems for whatever reason, any necessary repairs will be quick and efficient. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, Panasonic offers more possibilities than you may be aware of.
What Warranties Does Panasonic Offer?
In addition to its three-year standard warranty, Panasonic offers an extended warranty and several options that increase the value and quality of its standard warranty. These include accidental damage cover, an ultimate care option, a global warranty, and a warranty that doesn’t require you to return your hard drive to qualify for the warranty.
Standard Warranty
When you buy any Panasonic TOUGHBOOK your laptop or tablet devices will be protected from manufacturing defects from the date of purchase for three years. You will also have free access to Panasonic‘s priority parts exchange program and repair service. Additionally, the warranty automatically qualifies you for lifetime access to the company’s technical support hotline and Panasonic field service personnel. You will also have online access to drivers, first-aid disks to sort out any unexpected problems, BIOS updates, manuals, utilities, and tools. In the event of you needing parts, these will be delivered free, as will repaired units.
Batteries that are supplied with Panasonic TOUGHBOOKS are covered under the standard warranty for one year, also from the date of purchase. If you buy a battery separately from the device, this, too, will be covered under a one-year warranty. In the event of Panasonic supplying a replacement battery under the warranty, it will only be covered for the remaining period of the original warranty.
Extended Warranty
Panasonic’s Extended Warranty enables you to extend your standard three-year warranty to four or five years. It’s a popular option because it gives TOUGHBOOK owners additional peace of mind and ensures that worker productivity will essentially be uninterrupted. For an extra year or two, you will also benefit from a significant decrease in costs that wouldn’t be covered if you hadn’t extended the warranty.
The battery warranty doesn’t change.
Protection Plus Warranty
Any business or organization utilizing TOUGHBOOKS in mobile work environments is constantly faced with the potential risk of accidents. Protection Plus Warranties cover accidental damage to devices or specific parts that are damaged. It doesn’t cover cosmetic damage that doesn’t affect the functionality of the device. Additionally, it doesn’t cover loss, theft, fire, modification, or service by anyone who isn’t a Panasonic Authorized Service Provider.
In the event of an accident that damages your device, major computer parts or an entire device will be replaced under the warranty. It’s not rocket science to realize that this kind of protection can be a lifesaver that will protect your staff and IT department from the kind of downtime that results from broken devices.
This protection warranty covers one major component failure for the device covered per year. Note that the standard battery warranty cannot be extended with a Protection Plus Warranty.
Ultimate Care Warranty
People operating in extremely challenging environments are subjected to more risks than others. So, it stands to reason that some businesses and individuals will want greater coverage from their warranties. Unlike Protection Plus, the Ultimate Care plan does this by covering repairs of the same device multiple times. It doesn’t matter how many times you have a damaging accident with your TOUGHBOOK, provided it wasn’t deliberate, you’ll be covered.
Like the Protection Plus cover, the Ultimate Care Warranty is also a safety net for accidental damage. If you purchase this warranty it will be valid for three years from the date of purchase unless you also opt for an extended warranty to lengthen the period of coverage to four or five years.
There’s no doubt that if you’re looking for ultimate peace of mind for your devices or those used by your employees, Panasonic’s Ultimate Care Warranty is exactly what you want. Just be aware that the battery warranty won’t be extended.
Global Warranty
If you and/or your employees are operating in the U.S. you won’t need a global warranty. But if work takes you or your business further afield, a Global Warranty will protect your TOUGHBOOK devices in 102 countries all over the world.
Hard Drive No Return Warranty
It can be a tough call if you are forced to return your hard drive for repair or replacement when you have problems. There could be all sorts of data and information on your hard drive that you don’t want to share. This is why Panasonic introduced the Hard Drive No Return Warranty. When things go wrong, you won’t have to send hard drives back to the service center to get a replacement unit. If you’re dealing with sensitive data, there’s no doubt it will be worth the extra cost.
Limited Warranty on Software
Essentially, Panasonic’s software warranty for TOUGHBOOKS covers the replacement of defective media. You will also be notified of updates including bug fixes and security updates for their Android products.
Choose the Perfect Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Warranty
Remember, when you buy your Panasonic TOUGHBOOKS from Rugged Depot, you will automatically get a three-year warranty for your device and a one-year warranty on your battery. And if you want to extend or improve the conditions of your standard warranty you can buy additional warranties too.